Reactor Panel

The Reactor Panel® Saddle Company was looking to differentiate itself in a busy marketplace and add ecommerce to its business model.

The ReactorPanel® Saddle Company offers a high tech saddle that offers riders a superior riding experience.  The company’s patented technology enables the saddle to move with the rider, thereby limiting stress on the rider’s back.

Optimyz designed and built a new ecommerce website using Magento that effectively delivered the company’s unique story.  From the Founder’s story to rider tips and recommendations, the new website effectively placed Reactor Panel in a position all to itself.

The website was built with Magento, providing the company with a robust ecommece platform and enabling Reactor Panel to efficiently ship parts and supplies to accompany the saddles.

To boost trial of the company’s high end prodcut  we came up with a “Take a Test Ride” landing page that allowed buyers to test out the product before buying.